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Take Time During Covid Restrictions to Refresh Your Interior

Take Time During Covid Restrictions to Refresh Your Interior

By September 16, 2021 Uncategorized No Comments

Covid restrictions have given us all some time to think about how we can improve our lives – time spent with our family, work-life balance, catching up on sleep, getting into the garden, read more books or even one book, and focusing on the spaces we live & experience our lives.

Spending extra time at home during Covid restrictions gives us the time we don’t ordinarily have to contemplate our interiors. So, if you would like to refresh your floor & your space, let us know. All our staff are on hand and working with clients to further their interior living goals.

Dsc 2321  Dsc 1203
There are so many rugs, carpets & sisal options we can help guide you through, so take advantage of Covid restrictions that give you some time on your hands, and get in touch. We would love to hear from you. Email us at: info@sourcemondial.co.nz

Img 7009  Img 6102

You can also get in touch with our team:

Account Manager & Interior Consultant: Diana Medic
Email: diana@sourcemondial.co.nz
Phone: 022 675 8844


Account Manager & Interior Consultant: Dona Angus
Email: dona@sourcemondial.co.nz
Phone: 022 657 7131




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